Thursday, February 21, 2013

Twitter and Me

At first, I hated using twitter.  I thought it was extremely confusing and I couldn't follow what anyone was saying.  Last class I created a tweetdeck which is much more readable and enjoyable to use.  I really liked the activity we did in class on tuesday when we completed the quiz.  I thought it was a very resourceful way to get us to work together on a quiz in a group of three, but also as a class through posting on the feed.  I think that twitter is an excellent way to expand classroom learning.  It could help students question the teacher about things they are confused on or it could aid administrators in communicating with teachers and parents of students.  The possibilities for using twitter as an educational tool are endless.  

Here is an example of some of the quiz posts:

 I'm excited to see what other ways we will use twitter through the duration of this class!


  1. I hated the thought of twitter as well! But as soon as we started using tweetdeck and doing the activities in class I really started to warm up to it! "The possibilities for using twitter as an educational tool are endless." I agree with this 100%! That was well put!

  2. I've found that Twitter is such an awesome resource as an educator! I'm sure you'll learn even more benefits and connections it makes as the class continues!

  3. I think that Twitter is an excellent tool for communicating with the parents of your students. Also, I think it benefit teachers to be able to communicate with others, and get ideas on how to make their lessons better.

  4. Im glad that you found the positive sides in twitter and now can use it to your advantage! It can be a very great communication tool in the class room.
